Organic Mulch
September is Organic Month and a perfect time to fully appreciate all that our organic coffee farmers do to provide us with the highest quality organic coffee. Achieving “organic” requires years of planning and much patience. Coffee is the second most traded commodity behind crude oil. To keep up with demand, most farmers use pesticides and fertilizers, making coffee the second most sprayed crop in the world (cotton being number one). While coffee grows anywhere between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (basically, around the equator), specific environmental conditions such as temperature, altitude, rainfall, sunlight, wind and soil will impact quality and taste. The regions with many ideal coffee growing conditions house some of the poorest, under-developed and under-educated communities in the world. As a result, the workers who use chemicals often don’t know how to apply them properly and may also be completely unaware of the dangers from these poisons. This is just one of the many reasons we are dedicated 100% to organic coffee. We are Certified Organic by both the USDA and Oregon Tilth, which by definition means grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers – and that they’re non-GMO. Coffee trees can take up to five years to produce their first harvest. The non-organic coffee farmer may try to force earlier, chemically-induced blooms while the patient, organic farmer uses more creative, all-natural methods to nurture their crops from the ground up.